Nguyễn Phi Hải1,, Hoài Nam Hoài Nam2
1 Trường ĐH Thăng Long
2 Bệnh viện ĐK Kiên Giang

Main Article Content


Cross-sectional descriptive studies performed on 138 patients at Kien Giang general hospital from January 2020 to June 2020 on breast cancer patients. The goal is to describe the clinical and subclinical characteristics of a person with breast cancer. Quality of life analysis related to treatment, care and some other related factors. The collected data is the monitoring table for nursing care, such as the percentage of women is higher than that of men, the highest rate is in the 40-59 age group (68.8%), age group> = 60 years 27.5%, age group <= 39 years old (3.6%). The proportion of patients without a family history of breast cancer was 97.2% and 2.9%. the early stage is 40.6%, of which the first stage is 11.6%, the second stage is 29.0%. The proportion of patients in the early stage is 40.6%, of which the first stage is 11.6%, the second stage is 29.0%. The rate of patients in late stage is 59.4%, in which stage III is 55.8% and stage IV is 3.6%. The rate of patients with radical mastectomy is 87.0%, conservative surgery 9.4% and non-surgical 3.6%.The rate of chemotherapy patients accounts for 44.2%; Radiation therapy accounts for 39.9% and no chemotherapy radiotherapy accounts for 15.9%. The rate of patients with improvement is 77.5%; Steady at 18.8% and progression at 3.7%. CLCS with results of care treatment has the statistically significant difference with p <0.05; Sex with quality of psychology - emotion was different and statistically significant (p <0.05).

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