Thị Minh Hải Nguyễn1,2,, Hải Nam Hoàng1,2, Huy Tuấn Kiệt Phạm1, Trọng Tài Nguyễn1, Hương Giang Lê1
2 Son Tay General Hospital

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Background: Vietnam is going through an epidemiological transition, bearing a dual burden of disease from both infectious and non-communicable diseases. The disease structure also changes according to the disease structure of each locality, each country reflects the health status of that community. In the world and in Vietnam, there have been many studies to give the clearest picture of common diseases by regions, helping health planners come up with early solutions, have timely plans. and better prepare for treatment to improve people's health. Objectives: To describe the direct costs of the 5 most common diseases of inpatients with health insurance cards at Son Tay General Hospital in 2020 and 2021. Method: Cross-sectional description based on retrospectively collected data of medical records stored on computers of Son Tay General Hospital from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021 satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study was conducted to describe the distribution rate of the 5 most common diseases according to ICD-10 code to the hospital for examination and treatment. Results: The average cost for all 5 diseases is 2,953,651 VND (2020) and 3,843,562 VND (2021). The cost structure in both years, the cost for drugs is the highest at VND 680,831 (2020) and VND 874,565 (2021), in addition, the structural cost has an increase in the cost of laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging. The corresponding effects in the study are VND 339,616 and VND 265,101 in 2020 with VND 650,793 and VND 469,673 in 2021. Conclusions: The composition of the 5 most common diseases in 2020 and 2021 has a year-on-year change and Direct costs For the treatment of these diseases there is also variation. Direct costs for the treatment components in both years were mainly high in drug and laboratory costs.

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