Nguyên Hưng Thái1,
1 K hospital

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Study aim: 1. Evaluation of clinic feature of Gastrointertinal stromal tumor located at DII Duodenum  below the papillary orifice. 2. The result of DII  Duodenum segmentectomy. Patient and method: + Restrospective study. + Time: 2022. Result: There were 3 patients, 2 male,1 female. + Surgical history: 1 patient had history of gastro-enterostomy one month preoperative for duodenal outlet obstruction. + Symptoms: abdominal pain and weigh loss in 100%, nausea and vomitting in 2 patients, none of them had hematemesis or melena, one had hemoperitoneum. Gastro duodenum scopy preoperative revealed  tumor DII duodenum in 2 patients, the other had duodenum ulcer only. CTScaner detected tumor of DII duodenum in all patients. + Operation performed: DII Duodenal segmentectomy in 3 patients in combination with antrectomy and duodenostomy with 16 fr tube and gastro enterostomy anatomosis. Partial Hepatectomy (subsegment VI) was performed in 1 patient for hepatic metastasis. Death and complication: + No death per and post operative. + There was 1 patient having duodenal fistulas that stopped by medical treatment. Conclusion: We conlude that Gastrointertinal tromal tumor in DII duodenum below the billiarry orifice is low proportionThe clinical manifestation basically is gastric outlet obstruction. CTScan play an important role in diagnosis. DII duodenal segmentectomy in combination with antrectomy, duodenostomy and Gastroenterostomy is surgical procedure having satisfactory result and low proportion of complication

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