Võ Trương Như Ngọc, Vũ Lê Hà

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Facial analysis is always importantin esthetic treatment. However, researchs about face shapes and porpotions in Vietnam is not quite much, especially in children at 12 year of ages. Purpose of research: To determine some of facial shapes and ratio indices for 12-year-old Vietnamese in Hanoi year of 2016 – 2017. Method of research: Cross sectional study in over 905 males and 908 females at some secondary schools in Hanoi city. Results: In the three face shapes, in general, the horizontal dimensions have changes, the difference is mostly significant. In general, there is no difference in the profile of the face angles, a few differences only show. In one gender, most of the vertical differences are statistically highly significant on three types of faces and also show the difference between the sexes. Conclusions: The most common type of face is Oval (48.98%), followed by square (29.18%), the lowest is triangular (21.84%). The face shape corresponds to the facial proportions: The square face has the ratio Ft-Ft = Zy-Zy, the oval face with Zy-Zy> Ft-Ft and Zy-Zy> Go-Go, and the triangle face with Ft-Ft> Zy-Zy> Go-Go.

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