Lê Văn Toàn, Nguyễn Thị Thúy Mậu, Vũ Văn Quý, Nguyễn Quý Linh, Trần Khánh Chi, Trịnh Lê Huy, Trần Vân Khánh, Tạ Thành Văn, Trần Huy Thịnh

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Objectives: to evaluate the quality of life in patients with non – small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated by Autologous natural killer cell therapy (NK). Patients and methods: 05 patients with NSCLC stage III – IV were treated by Autologous natural killer cell therapy. The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ) – C30 were use to investigate changes of patient’s quality of life at two points before and after treatment (06 infusions). Results: After 01 tratment course including 06 infusions, the group of patients treated with NK autologous cell therapy showed a significant improvement in physical function varied from 92 to 93,33; Cognitive functioning (86,67 – 93,33), Social functioning (83,33 – 90), symptoms of fatigue (17,78 – 8,88), pain (4,16 – 0), dyspnea (26,66 – 6,66), Appetite loss (6,66 – 0), diarrhea (20 – 0), financial difficulty (33,33 – 20), Global health status (70 – 78,33). Conclusion: The group of patients treated by Autologous natural killer cell therapy had an improvement in most indicators of function, disease symptoms, and global health status at the end of therapy compared to the time before treatment.

Article Details


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