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Objectives: Describe the clinical characteristics of inpatient patients with alcohol-induced psychosis at Thanh Hoa Psychiatric Hospital in 2022. Subject and methods: A retrospective study of 124 patients who met ICD10 criteria for Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol, psychotic disorder treated inpatients at Thanh Hoa Psychiatric Hospital from 01/2022 to the end of 12/2022. Results: Among the patients: 63.7% had only delusions, 24.2% had both delusions and hallucinations, and 4.8% had hallucinations. The most common type of delusions is persecutory delusions; most patients have only one type of delusions and the few that coordinate persecutory delusions with other types of delusions. Hallucinations often appear alone; auditory hallucinations are the most common, symptoms of hearing voices in the head account for the highest percentage of auditory hallucinations. Emotional symptoms are unstable and behavior disturbances appears quite common. Conclusion: Most patients have only delusions. Delusions, hallucinations are mostly persecutory delusions and auditory hallucinations, mainly the types of delusionss, hallucinations that appear alone. Almost patients have unstable emotions and behavior disturbances
Article Details
: alcoholism, delusions, hallucinations
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