Đinh Thị Hoa, Mạc Doanh Thịnh

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Subject: Determine the rate and level of the swallow disorder by the GUSS scale in patients with acute stroke and analyze some of the risk factors related to swallow disorder in patients with acute stroke at Neurology Department in Hai Duong province general hospital. Method: Using a cross-sectional study, the sample size was 86 patients. The sample size for this study is based on the formula that estimates a proportion in a population. With the convenient way to select samples, when we did sample collection. the GUSS scale was used to evaluate. Result: The mean ages of patients was 69.2 ± 12.90 years old, the proportion of patients aged <60 years old is quite high. Rate of swallow disorders was 38.4%. Some related factors of swallow disorder: Age, sex, consciousness, and high risk of pneumonia in ineffective cough group. Conclusion: The incidence of swallowing disorder is quite high in patients with acute stroke when screening with the GUSS scale at Hai Duong province general hospital. There should be a strategy for a broader screening of swallow disorder in acute stroke-patient settings.

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