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Objectives: To evaluate the valuable characteristics of the patients that were early ectopic pregnancy diagnosis and some factors affecting the early ectopic pregnancy diagnosis at Nam Dinh Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital in 2022. Research subjects: all medical records of ectopic pregnancy (EP) patients from 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022. Results: There were 100 selected cases of EP, 70 cases were diagnosed early, accounting for 70%. Among those 70 patients, the mean age was 30.77±5,611, the age from 21 to 39 accounted for 88.6%; 8.6% had a history of previous EP surgery. Symptoms of delayed menstruation, lower abdominal pain, abnormal bleeding, enlarged uterus, painful adnexal masses, and vaginal fornix in pain accounted for 71.4%; 78.6%; 65.7%; 21.4%; 77.1%; 10%. Ultrasound symptoms: vaginal fornix without fluid accounted for 78.6%. There is a relationship between the location of the pregnancy mass at the fallopian tube and early EP diagnosis (p<0.05). Conclusion: The patients with early EP diagnosis had the mean age was 30.77±5,611; 8.6% had a history of previous EP surgery. Symptoms of lower abdominal pain accounted for the highest rate 78.6%; Ultrasound vaginal fornix without fluid was 78.6%. There is a relationship between the location of the pregnancy mass at the fallopian tube and early EP diagnosis.
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: the early ectopic pregnancy diagnosis
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