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Objective: to evaluate the histopathological features of prostate carcinoma based on the Gleason scale and to investigate the diagnostic value of the AMACR marker. Subjects and methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on 65 patients who received needle biopsies for prostate carcinoma at 103 Military Hospital between May 2019 and March 2022. Observe several characteristics related to age, total PSA concentration (tPSA), analysis of histopathological data, and the expression of the AMACR marker that has been obtained. Results: Most patients had high Gleason scores and the predominant histopathological structures were poorly differentiated, solid, ethmoid, or microcystic glands with perineural invasion being the most common. The AMACR marker demonstrated high sensitivity (92.3%) and specificity (76.9%) in diagnosis, although no significant correlation was observed between AMACR marker expression and Gleason score or total PSA levels. In conclusion, the Gleason score and the AMACR marker are valuable for diagnosis and prognosis in patients with prostate carcinoma.
Article Details
: Prostate carcinoma, AMACR (P504S) marker, Gleason score.
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