Tất Thắng Trần1,, Thị Thanh Thủy Lê1, Sa Huỳnh Nguyễn1
1 Nghe An Eye Hospital

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Objectives: Evaluation some factors related to surgical results phaco combined with trabeculectomy on the same site. Subjects and methods: non-comparative intervention study on 53 eyes diagnosed with glaucoma and cataracts indicated for phaco surgery combination with trabeculectomy on the same site from February 2021 to October 2021 at Nghe An eye Hospital. Results: Overall assessment of good visual acuity and adjusted intraocular pressure after surgery accounted for 98.1%. Analyzing the relationship between the post-operative filtering bleb status and the postoperative intraocular pressure adjustment level, we found that there is a proportional ratio, the better the filtering bleb, the more corrected the intraocular pressure. The change in visual field 1 month and 3 months after surgery compared to before surgery on 2 groups of eyes with narrow and non-narrow anterior chamber depth showed that the visual field change was statistically significant. Before surgery, corneal edema accounted for 64.2%, after surgery, corneal edema accounted for 7.5%, the results showed a statistically significant difference. In the form of cataracts, cataracts or crusts, the rate of complications during surgery is equivalent to 59.0% and 42.9%, respectively, the rate of complications soon after surgery is also the same. for equivalent values ​​accounted for 76.9% and 64.3%, respectively, there was no difference with P>0.05.

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