Vũ Tuấn Anh, Hà Trung Kiên

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Purpose:  Descibe the clinical features of unilateral acute anterior uveitis in the immunocompetent patients and comparing PCR result of humous aqueus sample. Materials and Methods: coss-sectional study,  30 eyes (30 patients) diagnosed of unilateral acute anterior uveitis, were taken the humous aqueus sample in anterior chamber to PCR test. Results: in 30 eyes, 2 eyes (6,7%) were hypertonic, 100% were circumlimbal redness; 6 eyes were CMV + in PCR test regarding white keratic precipitates and none was positive with other virus. Conclusions: PCR test of humous aqueus sample should be the routine exam for unilateral acute anterior uveitis in the immunocompetent patients.

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