Thị Ngọc Vân Trần1, Thy Nhạc Vũ Hoàng1,, Hoài Thanh Vân Phạm2
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
2 AstraZeneca Vietnam

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systematic review of the pharmacoeconomic evidence using dapagliflozin to treat chronic kidney disease. Methods: A systematic search was conducted using keywords and the Boolean algorithm to identify relevant studies on five electronic databases, including PubMed, Embase, DARE, NHSEED, and INAHTA, as of December 21, 2022. The collected data was presented in tabular form, and the cost values were converted to Vietnamese Dong (VND) in 2023 for comparison. Results: The review included four studies, all of which showed that dapagliflozin was a cost-effective treatment for chronic kidney disease compared to standard therapy. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) ranged from -3 million to 560 million VND/QALY, and the cost-effectiveness probability varied from 53% to 100%. All four studies received a "Good" rating based on the 28-criteria CHEERS 2022 checklist. Conclusion: The evidence provided in this systematic review indicates that dapagliflozin is cost-effective when added to standard therapy for the treatment of CKD. This information is important for health managers and clinicians to consider when making healthcare decisions. The implications of this study suggest that dapagliflozin should be considered as a potential option for treating CKD, especially in countries with similar characteristics to those studied. The evidence provided by this study supports the integration of dapagliflozin into clinical practice and health policy.

Article Details


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