Thanh Duy Lã1, Thanh Duy Lã1, Thy Nhạc Vũ Hoàng 1,2,, Phước Thành Nhân Lê2, Văn Khanh Trần2, Phi Hồng Ngân Nguyễn2
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
2 Le Van Thinh Hospital

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Objectives: Analyze medication costs for diabetes treatment of insured patients at Le Van Thinh Hospital in 2022. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional, retrospective data analysis was conducted to describe the cost of medication usage for diabetic patients with health insurance at Le Van Thinh Hospital in 2022, classified by drug groups, active ingredients, country of origin, and inpatient/outpatient. Results: In 2022, Le Van Thinh Hospital used 94 drugs corresponding to 25 active ingredients to treat diabetic patients with health insurance, with a total medication cost of 27.910 billion VND. Drugs manufactured in Vietnam accounted for 22.2% of the cost, and the remaining 77.8% was related to drugs originating from 13 other countries; of which, drugs from Europe accounted for 48.2%. When considering the usage cost by drug group, insulin products accounted for 27.0% of the total cost, while the combination of the biguanide group with the DPP-4i group accounted for 28.8%. Sitagliptin+metformin (50mg+1000mg) and slow-acting, long-acting insulin 300UI/3ml were the two drugs with the highest usage cost, accounting for 10.5% and 5.8% of the total medication cost, respectively. Conclusion: The study provides specific information on the medication costs for insured diabetic patients at Le Van Thinh Hospital in 2022, supporting the evaluation of current medication usage patterns and facilitating adjustments in budget allocation and selection of suitable drugs for subsequent years.

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