Vũ Thị Hoàng Lan, Lương Thị Mỹ Chi, Nguyễn Ngọc Bích

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Attachment to organization of medical staff has a great influence on the management of the health facility and quality of medical services. This research aims to evaluate the situation of level of attachement to organization among health workers in Song Hinh District Health Center. Applying cross-sectional design, the study interviewed 164 health workers. working time at least 1 year. The tool to evaluate staff attachment in this study was the questionnaire "Scale of attachment to organization" standardized in Vietnam. The results showed that the percentage of health workers with high level of attachment to organization was 59.4%. The component with the lowest scorewas the pride component. The research results can be used for human resource development plans of the Song Hinh District Health Center as well as health facilities in areas with similar socio-economic conditions.

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