Phạm Đình Phúc, La Vân Trường, Nguyễn Văn Ba, Trần Đình Thiết

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Objective: To evaluatethe treatment outcomes of definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy (dCRT) for patients with stage III esophageal cancer (EC) and comment on several side effects of the treatment. Subject and methods: A descriptive retrospective combined prospective study on42 patients with stage III esophageal cancerreceiving IMRT or 3D – CRT radiation therapy (dose are typically 50.4 Gy forprophylactic radiotherapy and around 60 – 66 Gy of radiotherapy for primary tumor and lymph node regions) in combination with weekly PC regimen(the Paclitaxel dose was 50 mg/m2 in combination with Carboplatin administered the dose at AUC2 on day 1 of weekly cyclesduring radiotherapy period).Evaluationof the treatment outcomesand the side effects is performed 4weeks after the completionof dCRT that based on clinial examination and CT imaging according to RECIST 1.1. Results: The overall clinical response rate after treatment reached 90.5%. The overall objective response rate according to RECIST 1.1 was 85.7% with 33.3% of the patients achieving complete response. There was no progression after treatment during follow – up and evaluation. Several factors related to the treatment outcomes include T stage (stage T2 response was significantly better than stage T3, p = 0.023), N stage (stage N1 response was significantly better than stage N2, p = 0.001), tumor size (the response of small tumors is significantly better than of large ones, p = 0.033), radiotherapy techniques (IMRT is significantly better than 3D – CRT, p = 0.006).The most common major radiotherapy – induced side effects were dermatitis (61.9%), esophagitis (38.1%), pneumonitis (11.9%). Most of common major hematologic and nonhematologic toxic effects were at grade 1 and 2. Just 2.4% of the patients suffered from severe neutropenia (grade 3). Conclusion: dCRT with weekly PC regimen is the effective, safe and less toxicity treatment for patients with unresectable stage III esophageal cancer.

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