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Objectives: The aim of this study is to compare voids in single-cone obturation technique among the 1/3 coronal, 1/3 middle and 1/3 apical of tooth. Research methods: In vitro, fifteen extracted maxillary central incisors were rinsed under running water for 1 minute and disinfected by immersing in Hexanios solution 2% for at least 2 hours, then being presereved in Formalin 10%. The root canals were shaped using the ProTaper hand file system with Crown-down technique. Roots were obturated with a single F3 gutta-pecha cone with AH26 sealer. Evaluation the void of the obturation at the 1/3 coronal, 1/3 middle and 1/3 apical. Results: Filling root canal by single cone obturation technique had 3 teeth (20%) with no voids, the average void percentage is 1.49±1.35%. 1/3 coronal of the tooth had the highest void percentage of all referenced positions (8.61%). The void percentage of spacing area at 1/3 coronal is more than that of 1/3 apical, the difference is a statistically significant (p < 0.05) according to Wilcoxon test. Conclusions: In single-cone root canal obturation technique, the sealing ability decreased gradually from 1/3 coronal to 1/3 apical (median of void percentage at 1/3 coronal: 1.68%, 1/3 middle: 0.41%, 1/3 apical: 0%). Using the single cone technology to obturate the root canal in the 1/3 apical achieve the optimal sealing effect.
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root canal obturation, single cone, Protaper, AH26.
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