Mỹ Phụng Lê1, Phục Hưng Nguyễn2,
1 Vinh Long Department of Health
2 Can Tho University of Medicine - Pharmacy

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Background: Along with moderate diets and regular exercises, people apparently consider the use of health supplement foods (HSF) one of the effective methods to protect and improve their health. The benefits of this food are increasingly introduced to the community and this is expected to become measures to support the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. However, consumers' knowledge about HSF is still limited. Using HSF without an insight of their medicinal features still exists or a number of people are reluctant of using HSF to support health care. Objectives: Assessing of knowledge and identifying factors related to consumers of HSF in Vinh Long province over the period of 2022-2023. Materials and methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 385 consumers through direct interviews with HSF buyers. Data were collected and analyzed using Excel 2016 and SPSS 20.0 software. Results: Users of HSF are female with the high rate of 77.4%. The majority of consumers of HSF have degrees or above (75.3%). 93% of people who buy HSF know that HSF is food. The percentage of HSF buyers with a good knowledge score is 48.6%. The total average score of knowledge about HSF of buyers is 5.4/8. Female, who are 30 years of age or younger, have incomes from 3 millions to under 10 millions and have degrees or above university are the most potential consumer groups and have a lot of knowledge about health care products. Conclusion: In Vinh Long, consumer of HSF have good and average knowledge about HSF.

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