Đình Lợi Nguyễn1,, Anh Tú Đỗ2, Xuân Hậu Nguyễn1
2 K hospital

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Objectives: Describe some clinical and subclinical characteristics of patients with castrastion-resistant metastatic prostate cancer. Patients and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 65 patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in Vietnam National Cancer Hospital from January 2014 through March 2023. Results: Mean age 70.12 ± 8.18 years, rate of patients receiving radical treatment at the time of initial diagnosis was 24.6%, median time from ADT to mCRPC was 16.0 months. Common symptoms were bone pain (55.4%), fatigue (43%), urinary retention/difficulty in urination (35.4%), urinary incontinence (29.2%). Bone was the most common site of metastasis (87.7%), median PSA was 34,7 ng/mL, mean hemoglobin is 122,4 g/L. Conclusion: Patients with castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer have heterogeneous clinical and subclincal characteristics. The median time from ADT to CRPC was 16,0 months.

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1. Cancer Today. , accessed: 04/23/2023.
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