Minh Châu Hoàng1, Thị Chung Nguyễn1, Nguyễn Anh Khoa Huỳnh1, Văn Thúy Hà2,

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Nowadays, green manufacturing is a global trend, which is defined commonly that “removing waste by redefining an existing process or production system”. It could be understood that the whole manifacturing process - from the input materials to the output products - must be environmentally friendly and cause no harm to humans, contributing to the reduced pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, towards achieving sustainable green growth, while bringing many practical benefits in terms of both economy and intangible values for people. Basic principles of green manufacturing and related green technologies (such as green chemistry and green extraction) have been applied into the pharmaceutical manufacturing technology in general, and in herbal drugs manufacturing in particular in Vietnam. There has been a roadmap for this change, with positive results gained, promising a good future. This article aims to affirm that green manufacturing and green drug production in Vietnam has advantages and potentials, which is on the right roadmap and a promising future.

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