Thị Hương Lê1,2, Thị Hương Lan Nguyễn1,3,, Minh Anh Trần3, Thành Tiến Nguyễn3, Kim Anh Đặng1, Thị Thanh Hải Ngô3, Thị Ngọc Quỳnh Nguyễn3, Thị Phượng Dương2, Ngọc Hà Vũ2, Thanh Nga Tạ2
2 Hanoi Medical University Hospital
3 Saint Paul general hospital

Main Article Content


Objective: This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of nutritional counseling for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who have not received renal replacement therapy at Saint Paul Hospital. Subjects and methods: A randomized controlled intervention study was conducted on 35 patients with CKD stage 3-5 who have not yet received renal replacement therapy, interfered with and monitored dietary intake, and assessed the patient's knowledge and practice. Results: The patient had limited knowledge of diets high in calcium, low in phosphorus, and low in potassium-rich foods. After counseling, the number of patients who are aware of the low-protein diet increased from 64.3% to 80.0%. The diet of the patient in the intervention group had less protein, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium as well as higher glucose, calcium, and iron (p 0.05). Only salt and protein were reduced in the control group's diet; the balance of the other ingredients remained unchanged. Conclusion: To help CKD patients enhance their knowledge, attitude, and practice of nutrition, strengthen nutrition counseling for patients before, during, and after therapy.

Article Details


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