Tài Thế Lê1, Phi Vương Tưởng1, Thành Chung Đặng2, Ngọc Dũng Trần2,
1 Institute 69, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Protection Command
2 Military Hospital 103

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Objective: To use transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to examine the liver ultrastructure of patients with chronic dioxin exposure. Subjects and methods: The study used liver biopsy samples from 33 patients exposed to dioxin in Vietnam, excluding patients with liver cancer or hepatitis virus infection. The study employed a descriptive and cross-sectional method, using TEM to analyze the liver ultrastructure of the patients. Results: The results showed that the liver ultrastructure of the 33 biopsy samples from patients exposed to dioxin had consistent damage to the liver tissue cells, especially in the mitochondria. The damage included mitochondrial membrane deformation, the appearance of myelin-like crystalline structures within the mitochondria, dilation of the non-granular and granular endoplasmic reticulum surrounding the mitochondria, and the appearance of mitochondrial buds along their longitudinal axis. The results indicate the long-term effects of dioxin and its metabolites on the detoxification ability of liver cells. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that mitochondrial damage is the most prominent observation in liver cells, and long-term exposure to dioxin affects the detoxification ability of liver cells.

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