Hà Thu Nguyễn1,, Lan Trinh Ngô1, Thị Hương Lê1, Thị Xuân Ngô2
1 Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Training
2 Bac Ninh Provincial Center for Disease Control

Main Article Content


Objective: To assess the nutritional status and



associated factors of children aged 3-5 years in Dai Xuan commune, Que Vo district, Bac Ninh proVince in 2022. Participants and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptiVe study was conducted on children aged 3-5 years. Results: The preValence of malnutrition among children aged 3-5 years was high across all three indicators, with 9.3% classified as underweight, 20.1% as stunted, and 6.8% as wasted. Additionally, 7.9% of children were classified as oVerweight or obese. The study reVealed a significant association between gender, birth weight, breastfeeding initiation time, recent history of respiratory infection, and nutritional status. Conclusion: The high preValence of malnutrition across all three indicators, along with the interrelated factors of gender, birth weight, breastfeeding initiation time, recent history of respiratory infection, highlights the need for preVentiVe interVentions against oVerweight and obesity trends and improVement of the nutritional status among the preschool-aged group.

Article Details


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