Song Tú Nguyễn1,, Nguyễn Phương Linh Hoàng1, Đức Trung Lê1
1 National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi

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Infections,         picky     eating,              and       diarrhea are significant causes of morbidity and mortality in young children. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 4,196 children 24-71 months old in Yen Son district, Tuyen Quang proVince, in 2020 to determine upper respiratory infection (URI), picky eating and digestiVe disorders situation. The results showed that the preValence of URI was 12.9%; This rate was the highest in the 3-year-old group (15.3%), followed by the 2-year-old group (14.0%) and the preValence in the 4-5-year-old group gradually decreases; The preValence of children who had picky eaters was 18.8%; diarrhea in the past two weeks was 2.2%; defects were 6.0% and raw feces was 2.0%. There were   statistically         significant          differences         in          the preValence of URI, picky eating, diarrhea among age groups (p <0.01). Therefore, one of the interVention solutions to preVent malnutrition is to take care of sick children (picky eating, digestiVe disorders and diarrhea).

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5. Nguyễn Song Tú, Trần Thúy Nga. Hiệu quả bổ

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