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Introduction: Dyslipidemia is common in HIV/AIDS patients due to the combination of HIV infection and the use of ARV drugs. This study aimed to determine the preValence and related factors of dyslipidemia in HIV patients at Bach Mai Hospital from 2022. Participants and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 578 outpatient HIV/AIDS patients at the Tropical Disease Center, Bach Mai Hospital. The research period was from 01/2022 to 06/2022. Results: The oVerall proportion of patients with at least one abnormal blood lipid index was 84.26%. Among them, increased triglyceride was the highest with 58.13%, while patients with increased total cholesterol had the lowest rate (11.76%). Analysis by gender, age, duration of HIV infection, and ARV treatment time reVealed some significant differences. Males had higher triglyceride leVels than females, and the age group of 50-59 had the highest cholesterol leVels. The group infected with HIV for less than 5 years had lower cholesterol and HDL- Cholesterol leVels. ARV treatment time of less than 5 years was associated with higher cholesterol and lower HDL-Cholesterol leVels. Females and those aged 50 and aboVe had higher increases in Cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol. There were no significant differences in blood lipid indices by CD4 subgroup and BMI, nor were there any statistical correlations between the remaining factors and increased LDL-Cholesterol and HDL-Cholesterol status in the study subjects. Conclusion: The study showed that dyslipidemia is preValent in HIV/AIDS patients, increases with the duration of HIV infection and ARV treatment, and suggests that regular monitoring and control of blood lipid indices is needed to improVe the quality of treatment for patients
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: dyslipidemia, HIV, AIDS, ARV treatment...
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