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Hepatitis C Virus infection can be cured on its own for about 30–50%; the rest of it turns into chronic hepatitis C, which is the cause of cirrhosis and primary liVer cancer. Screening by anti-HCV test and confirmed by HCV-RNA test to detect chronic HCV-infected persons in need of antiViral treatment with DAAs. Subject: all samples for anti-HCV testing at the on- demand laboratory at Vietduc Hospital in 2022. Method: retrospectiVe, cross-sectional descriptiVe. Results: The rate of reactiVe anti-HCV samples was 1.11%, of which males were 1.45% and females were 0.52%; the highest was in the age group of 31 to 60. No children under 15 years of age were detected to be infected with HCV. The HCV-RNA-positiVe ratio accounted for 42.3% of the total anti-HCV-reactiVe samples. Patterns of the reactiVe anti-HCV sample were a decrease in the number of platelets (16.7%), a reduction in the concentration of PT% (2.7%), decreased protein (5.7%), reduced albumin (6.3%), and an increase in total and direct bilirubin of 15.2% and 37.0%, respectiVely. ActiVity leVels of AST and ALT are two times higher than ULN, ranging from 19.4% to 37.5% depending on gender. Conclusion: Anti-HCV reactiVe were higher in men than women, the highest in people aged 31 to 60, not in children under 15 years old. Some samples had reduced platelets number, PT leVels, reduced albumin, protein, and increased total and direct bilirubin in the blood.
Article Details
hepatitis C Virus, HCV-RNA, AST, ALT
/QĐ-BYT ngày 29 tháng 4 năm 2021.
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