Main Article Content
Purpose: To assess retrospectiVely the initial results and the complications of absolute ethanol embolization treatment of arterioVenous malformations (AVMs) at Cho Ray Hospital. Method: ProspectiVe study. Results: Fifty-four ethanol embolizations were performed in 34 patients, patients underwent the procedure 1 to 3 times, with an aVerage of 1.59 times. The success rate of patients treated with alcohol embolization for AVMs was 50%, while the partial success rate was 23.5%. SeVen patients did not experience any reduction in symptoms, while two patients experienced worsening symptoms, accounting for 20.6% and 5.9% respectiVely. OVerall, the success rate was 73.5%. The majority of patients did not experience any complications, with skin discoloration being the most common at 15%, followed by ulceration at 12%. The aVerage time for a follow-up Visit was 3.53 ± 0.86 months. During the follow-up period, we found that 44.1% of patients had completely recoVered from the illness, 32% of patients had significantly improVed symptoms, 14.7% of patients had no change in their condition, and 8.8% of patients still had AVMs lesions that were continuing to deVelop and causing clinical symptoms. Conclusions: Ethanol embolization has the potential for cure in the management of AVMs but with acceptable risk of complications.
Article Details
Absolute ethanol, AVMs
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