Main Article Content
Objective: Our study aims to inVestigate the actual dietary intake and its association with the nutritional status of children aged 3-5 years in Dai Xuan commune, Que Vo district, Bac Ninh proVince in 2022. Participants and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptiVe study was conducted on children aged 3-5 years. Results: The dietary intake of children exceeded the recommended leVels: Energy intake reached 111.4% of the recommended amount, protein intake exceeded 130%, and carbohydrate intake met the recommended requirement (200g/day). The balance between energy sources, Vitamins, and minerals was either met or exceeded the recommended leVels. The preValence of malnutrition was high across all three indicators, with 9.3% classified as underweight, 20.1% as stunted, and 6.8% as wasted. Additionally, 7.9% of children were
classified as oVerweight or obese. The study reVealed that excessiVe lipid intake increased the risk of oVerweight and obesity by 5.8 times compared to those without excessiVe lipid intake. Similarly, excessiVe carbohydrate intake increased the risk of oVerweight and obesity by 12.4 times compared to those without excessiVe carbohydrate intake. Conclusion: The majority of the participants had excessiVe dietary intake compared to the recommended leVels, which directly contributed to the high preValence of oVerweight and obesity (7.9%) among the children. The association between excessiVe lipid and carbohydrate intake and the occurrence of oVerweight and obesity was eVident.
Article Details
Nutritional status, children aged 3-5 years, dietary intake, oVerweight-obesity.
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