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Research objectives: Describe the structure of the list of used drugs under the ABC/VEN analysis at Tue Tinh Hospital in 2021. Research subjects: List of drugs used at Tue Tinh Hospital in 2021 (including
282 items of pharmaceutical drugs, 13 items of traditional medicine or from herbal medicine, as well as 170 items of herbal ingredients conVerted into 338 items of herbal remedies). Research Methods: A cross-sectional descriptiVe study. Result: 633 drug items, equiValent to 6,893.4 million VND. Single- ingredient drugs accounted for the majority with 238 items (84.4%), equiValent to 2,411.1 million VND (66.8%). Brand-name drugs accounted for a low percentage of 28/282 items (13.1%) and 24.6% of use-Value. Although most of the drugs used are of domestic origin, their use-Value is low. The ratios are 18.4%, 33.2%, and 22% for medicinal drugs; drugs of traditional medicines or from herbal ingredients; and herbal remedies respectiVely. Medicinal drugs are mainly used orally; while drugs of traditional medicines or from herbal ingredients and herbal remedies are used 100% orally. The structure of drugs used according to ABC classification in terms of use Value is consistent with the regulations [1]: 79.8% for A ranking, 15.1% for B ranking and 5.1% for C ranking. AN drug group has only 1 item, accounting for 1.1% of the use Value. A number of drugs with the same actiVe ingredient, content and dosage form are used in both A, B and C rankings. Conclusion: The structure of the list of drugs used at Tue Tinh Hospital is quite reasonable, howeVer, it is necessary to increase the Value of using domestically produced drugs; while limiting unnecessary drugs of AN and BN groups to saVe the budget and reduce the financial burden on the hospital.
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