Thị Hằng Nga Đào1,, Mạnh Tuấn Võ 1, Thị Hạnh Nguyễn2
1 Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Training, Hanoi Medical University
2 National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology, Hanoi

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Objectives: To eValuate the efficiency of primary molar’s restoration using GIC Fuji Bulk and Fuji Extra in 4-8 year-old children. Results: After 6 months: the retention, the well-joined of restoration in Fuji Bulk group were 100% Và 93,2% of the cases while in Fuji IX Extra group were 98,6% Và 89,2% of the cases; code D0 result was 77,0% and 60,8% in Fuji Bulk and Fuji IX Extra in turn. Conclusion: The success rate in Fuji Bulk group was higher than Fuji IX Extra group, that difference was significant.

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