Thị Thu Hà Nguyễn1,, Thị Trà Giang Dương1, Thị Mai Anh Vũ2
1 Hanoi Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital,
2 VNU Hanoi-University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objectives: To eValuate the preValenCe, CharaCteristiCs, and adVerse outComes among adolesCent pregnanCies at Hanoi ObstetriCs and GyneCology Hospital in 2022. Materials and method: This was a retrospeCtiVe study on adolesCents (10-19 years old) deliVered at Hanoi ObstetriCs and GyneCology Hospital in 2022. The preValenCe of adolesCent pregnanCies was CalCulated based on big data from the hospital. The adVerse outCome was defined if there was any maternal or fetal antepartum CompliCation. Results: The perCentage of adolesCent pregnanCies was 1.4%. Among 333 adolesCent pregnant women, the group of pregnanCies aged 15-17 aCCounted for 19.5%. The rate of adolesCent pregnant women with an abortion/misCarriage, multiparty, and preVious C- seCtion was 7,5%, 7,8%, and 3,3%, respeCtiVely. 83.2% of partiCipants had at least one adVerse outCome for the mothers and/or newborns. The perCentage of adolesCents with adVerse outComes for the mothers and/or the newborns was higher in the age group from 15 to 17 years old, statistiCally signifiCant with the age group from 18 to 19 (93,8%, 80,6%), p=0.001. Conclusion: The preValenCe of adolesCent pregnanCies is 1.4%, was still high. Most pregnant adolesCents had at least one adVerse outCome, partiCularly in the 15 to 17 age group with the rate up to 93.8%.

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