Thị Thạch Thảo Lê1,
1 Hong Bang International University

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Background: The NumeriC Pain Rating SCale (NPRS) is one of the best tools to assess the subjeCtiVe intensity of pain in adults inCluding those with ChroniC pain. Pain is a symptom of work-related musCuloskeletal disorders (WMSDs). Objective: This study eValuated the test-retest reliability of NPRS for measurement of WMSDs in Vietnamese physiCal therapists (VPTs). Materials and method: It was a Cross-seCtional study in 30 VPTs by ConVenient sampling teChnique. An online questionnaire was distributed to all partiCipants twiCe times with a 7-day interVal. They reported their intensity of pain of their musCuloskeletal disorders in ten body parts during the last 12 months. The test-retest reliability of Continuous data produCed by the NPRS was aCCessed by using the intraClass Correlation CoeffiCients (ICC) and the leVel of signifiCanCe was set at a p-Value of less than 0.05. Results: The test-retest reliability of NPRS showed good to exCellent reliability at neCk, shoulders, elbows, wrists/hands, thumbs, upper baCk, low baCk, híp/thighs and knees with ICC (3,1) = 0.80 – 0.95 and p-Value <0.001; and moderate reliability at ankles/feet with ICC (3,1) = 0.62 and p-Value = 0.006. Conclusion: The results suggest that the NPRS Can be used with aCCeptable reliability for measure intensity of pain for WMSDs in VPTs.

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