Mỹ Huyền Nguyễn1,, Thanh Quang Nguyễn1, Minh Thiện Bùi2, Thị Mỹ Hoà Nguyễn3
1 Tra Vinh University
2 Tra Vinh University Hospital
3 Tra vinh university

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Aim: To eValuate surgery results to remoVe mesial inClination mandibular wisdom teeth by the flapless approaCh. Subjects and Methods: A prospeCtiVe desCriptiVe study on 37 patients undergoing surgery to remoVe wisdom teeth in the mandibular at Tra Vinh UniVersity Hospital from 2021 to 2022. Result: All tooth extraCtion were suCCessfully performed by the flapless approaCh (100%), 19 Cases (51,4%) had a broken root or Crown. Most patients had mild pain (86.5%) and no swelling (64.9%) after surgery. There were 36 Cases (97.3%) aChieVed good results in treatment. Conclusion: Flapless approaCh was a good ChoiCe for the mesial inClination mandibular wisdom.

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