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Background: During pregnanCy, physiCal and psyChologiCal Changes Can affeCt the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus, thereby leading to a deCrease in the quality of life of the pregnant woman.
This study was ConduCted with the aim of identifying some faCtors related to the quality of life of pregnant women at Hanoi ObstetriCs & GyneCology Hospital. Methods: The Cross-seCtional study was ConduCted on 190 pregnant women, who were examined at Hanoi ObstetriCs and GyneCology Hospital and used the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire to ColleCt data. After proCessing, the data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 software. Results: The quality of life of pregnant women Visiting Hanoi ObstetriCs & GyneCology Hospital is related by a number of faCtors suCh as age group, plaCe of residenCe, number of births, oCCupation of pregnant women and their husbands, eduCation leVel of pregnant women and husbands, satisfaCtion with fetal sex, leVel of stress and leVel of sleep satisfaCtion (p < 0.05). Conclusions: In general, the quality of life of pregnant women is quite good; Identifying faCtors related to quality of life will help improVe the quality of life of mothers as well as the health of mothers and babies.
Article Details
Quality of life, WHOQOL-BREF, pregnant women
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