Main Article Content
Objective: To analyze the relationship between immunohistoChemiCal markers ALDH and KRAS with histopathologiCal CharaCteristiCs in gastriC CanCer. Subject and Method: This was Cross-seCtional study on 103 patients with Confirmed diagnosis of gastriC adenoCarCinoma and surgiCal reseCtion of the tumor at K Hospital. Analysis of the relationship between ALDH, KRAS and histopathologiCal features. Result: Patients with intestinal gastriC CanCer had a higher rate of ALDH expression with 71.4%. Patients with tubular adenoCarCinoma had the highest ALDH expression rate with 65.7%, there was a differenCe in ALDH expression aCCording to WHO histopathologiCal CharaCteristiCs, p < 0.05. Patients with low- differentiated CanCer had the highest ALDH expression rate with 58.6%, there was a differenCe in ALDH expression aCCording to differentiation, p < 0.05. Patients with intestinal gastriC CanCer had a higher rate of KRAS expression with 70.2%, p > 0.05. Patients with tubular adenoCarCinoma had the highest KRAS expression rate with 65.7%, p > 0.05. Patients with low-differentiated CarCinoma had the highest KRAS expression rate with 63.2%, there was a differenCe in KRAS expression aCCording to differentiation, p<0.05. Conclusion: ALDH expression was highest in tubular adenoCarCinoma and low differentiation. KRAS expression was highest at low differentiation.
Article Details
ImmunohistoChemiCal markers ALDH, KRAS; immunohistoChemistry; histopathology; gastriC CanCer.
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