Thị Kim Dung Khương1, Thị Diệu Thúy Nguyễn2,
1 Quang Ninh Provincial General Hospital

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AtopiC dermatitis (AD) is not a life-threatening disease, but it remarkble affeCts the liVes of Children and their CaregiVers. The study was ConduCted to inVestigate the quality of life of Children under 4 years old with AD and CaregiVers at the National Children's Hospital in 2022 – 2023. Methods: There was a desCriptiVe Cross – seCtional study in ninety six Children less than 4 years old with AD and their CaregiVers. The questionnaires inCluded IDQoL, DFI, SCORAD were administrated to assess the quality of life of Children and CaregiVers and the seVerity of AD. Results: The mean oVerall sCores were 10.0 ± 5.5 for IDQoL and 9.8 ±7.0 for DFI. The highest sCore for IDQOL referred tO “itching and scratching”, “child’s mOOd” and “time tO get tO sleep”. FOr DFI the highest impacted dOmains were “tiredness/exhausted”, “expenditure” and “sleep fOr Others in familly”. There

was a signifiCant differenCe in mean sCore between IDQoL and DFI aCCording to the seVerity of AD. Conclusions: AD has a signifiCant negatiVe impaCt on quality of life of Children and their CaregiVers. The quality of life depends on the AD seVerity

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