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Thermal burns are one of the most Common aCCidents in Children. Proper first aid for burns plays an important role in reduCing CompliCations and injury rates for Children. Currently, studies in Ho Chi Minh City on the knowledge and praCtiCe of first aid for Children with heat-related burns by CaregiVers are limited, so the interest in thermal burns in Children is an important issue. urgent and Community issues. Objective: To determine the Current leVel of knowledge and praCtiCe regarding burn first aid among CaregiVers of burn-injured Children and its related faCtors. Methods: A desCriptiVe Cross-seCtional study was ConduCted from NoVember 2020 to August 2021 on 130 CaregiVers of Children with thermal burns at two Children's hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City. DesCriptiVe statistiCs were undertaken to summarise the demographiC and outCome measures. BiVariate statistiCal testing (i.e. T-test or Chi-square) and a logistiC regression model were applied for analytiCal
proCedures. Results: The third-degree and fourth- degree burns among the Children of the are 20%. The majority of CaregiVers had good knowledge (61,5%) and praCtiCe (48,5%) on first aid for thermal burn. There was a relationship between eConomiC Conditions, preVious burn first aid experienCe of CaregiVers and first reCeiVing mediCal faCility and first aid knowledge (p <0.05). In addition, a relationship between understanding burn first aid, CaregiVers' first aid deCisions, and with whom CaregiVers liVe with first aid praCtiCe were also found (p <0,05). Conclusion: There was a high proportion of CaregiVers haVing good first-aid knowledge and praCtiCe of thermal burn in the sample. HoweVer, it is still neCessary to maintain health eduCation on first aid for burns for the Community, espeCially for those in the Countryside and regarding information about Cooling burn time to reduCe the extent of the burn's impaCt on Children.
Article Details
Thermal burn, first aid knowledge, first aid.
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