Thị Thanh Tú Nguyễn1,, Tiến Đạt Lê1

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Objective: This study aimed to describe some factors related to the results  in the supportive treatment Thyroid-associated Ophthalmopathy by acupuncture therapy. Subjects and Method: open clinical interventional study, comparison of the data before and after treatment on 30 patients diagnosed with Thyroid-associated Ophthalmopathy. Results: The study results showed that after treatment, the improvement in ocular protrusion ≥ 2mm of the non-smoking group was 18.18%,  higher than that of the smoking group of 12.5%. The improvement in Clinical activity score > 2mm of the non-smoking group was 27.27% higher than that of the smokers group of 25%. Patients with FT4 ≤ 24 pmol/l (normal thyroid function) had results in improving the degree of protrusion ≥ 2mm better than in the hyperthyroid group. In the group with less than 12 months of disease, the improvement in the degree of protrusion (reduction of ≥ 2mm) was better than that of the group with the disease over 12 months.

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Cục quản lý Khám chữa bệnh. Quy trình chuyên môn chẩn đoán, điều trị và chăm sóc người bệnh Basedow.
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