Thị Lý Trần1,, Ánh Ngọc Cao2
1 Lung central hospital
2 Nam Dinh Provincial General Hospital

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Background: Patient’s feedback about their experience when they used healthcare services is an important information source that helps improve the quality of healthcare facility. Objectives: Describe the current situation of experience of inpatients at Department of General Internal Medicine, Nam Dinh General Hospital, in 2020. Methods: Cross-sectional survey. Results: 320 inpatients participated in the study. The results showed that, 81.1% of patients had normal experienced (from 6-8 points). 16.1% of patients had positive experienced (from 9-10 points). 2.8% of patients had poor experienced (from 3-5 points) and no patients had negative experienced (from 0-2 points). 96.0% of patients are willing to refer the hospital to others.

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