Đình Anh Hoàng1, Đình Khánh Hoàng1, Minh Tiến Đỗ2, Thị Minh Hảo Lê2
1 Military Hospital 103, Military Medical Academy
2 Military Hospital 121

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Objective: To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) using Fibroscan and evaluate the relationship between the controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) and MetS. Subjects and methods: A descriptive study was conducted on 675 individuals who underwent regular health check-ups at Military Hospital 121 from February to May 2023. The CAP of these individuals was measured by Fibroscan, and the subjects were divided into two groups: those with MetS and those without MetS, based on the AHA/NHLBI + IDF (2009). Results: The prevalence of MetS was 56%; the prevalence of NAFLD was 58.7%, with grade 1 accounting for 17.3%, grade 2 accounting for 22.1%, and grade 3 accounting for 19.3%. The CAP and the degree of liver fat showed a positive correlation with the components of MetS (p<0.01). The CAP was correlated with all components of MetS and also correlated with ALT, AST, GGT (p<0.01). The logistic regression analysis shows that individuals with higher CAP scores have an increased likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome (MetS), with an odds ratio (OR) = 1.016. Conclusion: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the regular health check-up group at Military Hospital 121 is 56%, and the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) assessed by FibroScan is 58.7%. The Controlled Attenuation Parameter (CAP) has predictive value for metabolic syndrome and is also associated with the quantity of metabolic syndrome components.

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