Văn Thịnh Thân1,, Vinh Quang Bùi1
1 Hanoi Oncology Hospital

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Objectives: Describe some clinical and subclinical characteristics of metastatic breast cancer patiens and evaluate the results of paclitaxel regimen for recurrent or metastatic in breast cancer. Patients and methods: A retrospective study on 120 patients with recurrent or metastatic in breast cancer were treated with paclitaxel chemotherapy regimen at Hanoi Oncology Hospital from 01/2018 to 01/2022. Results: 120 patients enrolled, the average age was 59.6 ± 8.8. The overall response rate (ORR) of the regimen was 37.5 %. The mean progression-free survival was 8.6±2.34 months. The rate overall survival 3 years was 35.5%. The rate overall survival 5 years was 20,0%. The common toxicity was hair loss (37,5%), anorexia (25.0%), nausea (6.7%), diarrhea (5.8%); allergy (1.6%). Conclusion: Treatment of metastatic recurrent breast cancer with Paclitaxel regimen has a relatively good response rate, which improves progression-free survival and overall survival for patients.

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