Anh Tú Đỗ1,, Thammavong Phonesavanh 2
1 K hospital

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Stomach cancer remains a disease with a poor prognosis. Clinical symptoms are often poor and vague. Diagnosis is mainly based on endoscopy and biopsy for histopathological examination. Purpose: To comment on some clinical and pathological characteristics of gastric cancer stage II - IIIC treated with radical surgery at K Hospital from January 2013 to December 2015. Methods: 109 gastric cancer patients after radical surgery were retrospectively reviewed the clinical and pathological characteristics. Results: Epigastric pain is the most common symptom, accounting for 88.1%. Tumors are mainly located in the lesser curvature (62.4%). The most common adenocarcinoma was 75.2%. The majority of patients are stage II, accounting for 56.9% (IIA: 26.6 and IIB: 30.3%). Conclusion: The status of lymph node metastasis tends to increase with the degree of invasion of the tumor tissue into the stomach wall (pT stage).

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