Vị Đại Ngô1, Hoàng Khải Trương1, Quang Lộc Duyên Võ2, Phục Hưng Nguyễn3,
1 Kien Giang Provincial General Hospital
2 Can Tho University
3 Can Tho University of Medicine - Pharmacy

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Background: end-stage renal disease is a leading cause of illness and death all over the world. The direct medical costs for treatments of end-stage renal disease are high. Objectives: identifying the direct medical costs of outpatients who had end-stage renal disease and factors related to direct medical costs of end-stage renal disease outpatients in Kien Giang general hospital in 2022-2023. Materials and methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 509 prescriptions and cost sheets  of  end-stage renal disease outpatients in the Nephrology and Dialysis Department - Kien Giang general hospital from 8/2022 to 02/2023. Direct medical costs of  end-stage renal disease outpatients included: visits costs, laboratory costs, medical imaging costs, surgery/operation costs, blood costs, drugs costs, and medical supplies costs. Data were collected and analyzed by using Excel 2016 and SPSS 20.0 software. Results: total direct medical cost of  end-stage renal disease outpatients was 11,437,158,558 VND, of which health insurance covered 99.9% and patients jointly paid 0.1%. The average direct medical cost of  end-stage renal disease outpatients per treatment was 22,469,860 VND. Surgery/operation costs accounted for high proportions of 54.97%. Gender, age group, employment status, and health insurance levels related to direct medical costs of  end-stage renal disease outpatients (p<0.05). Conclusions: the direct medical costs of end-stage renal disease outpatients were high. To sum up, participating in health insurance is the best way for end-stage renal disease outpatients to combat their diseases.

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