Thy Nhạc Vũ Hoàng1,2,, Phước Thành Nhân Lê2, Ngọc Quỳnh Anh Mai1, Khang Kiệt Chung1, Phi Hồng Ngân Nguyễn2
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
2 Le Van Thinh Hospital

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Objective: This study aimed to analyze the costs associated with drug utilization at Le Van Thinh Hospital (LVTH) during the period from January to June 2023. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted by retrospectively collecting data on drug utilization reimbursed by the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHI) at LVTH from January to June 2023. The analysis focused on cost breakdowns by inpatient/outpatient settings, origin, administration route, pharmacological group, active ingredient, and presented through total cost and cost structure.Results: During the period of January to June 2023, LVTH utilized 1,311 types of drugs (602 active ingredients, 30 pharmacological groups) listed under BHYT reimbursement, with a total cost of 125.2 billion Vietnamese dong. Outpatient drugs accounted for 83.7% of the total cost, Domestically manufactured drugs comprised 44.4%, and oral and injectable drugs contributed 75.1% and 21.0% to the total SHI drug costs, respectively. The four highest-cost drug groups were cardiovascular drugs (27.0%), antiparasitic and anti-infective drugs (16.2%), hormone-related drugs (15.1%), and gastrointestinal drugs (11.1%). The highest-cost active ingredient was Amoxicillin + Acid Clavulanic, accounting for 3.1% of the total cost. Conclusion: The study findings provide a foundation for the Drug and Treatment Council to promptly assess the drug utilization situation in the first six months of 2023. This assessment guides necessary adjustments and recommendations for future drug usage in alignment with the hospital's procurement, ensuring rational drug selection by physicians and facilitating public access to medicines.

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