Thúy An Lò1,, Thị Hà Giang Nguyễn2, Thị Kim Nhung Tạ3, Thị Thanh Xuân Lê3
1 Nghia Lo town health center
2 Hanoi Medical College
3 Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Training, Hanoi Medical University

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Objective: To determine the prevalence and analyze some factors related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their mental health. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 2022 on 329 healthcare workers in Nghia Lo town. The mental health issues were assessed using the IES-R scale (below 24 points: normal; 24 to 32 points: some concerns about mental health but not diagnosed with stress; 33 to 36 points: diagnosed with stress; 37 points and above: long-term impact on mental health for many years). Results: The study results showed that 33.3% of healthcare workers had mental health issues, including 2.8% requiring attention for mental health problems, 3.3% diagnosed with stress, and 17.3% experiencing long-term effects on mental health. Ethnicity, educational level, severity of illness when contracting COVID-19, professional level, and age group were found to be associated with mental health issues in healthcare workers (p<0.05). Conclusion: The research findings indicate that local healthcare unit leaders need to provide psychological support for healthcare workers.

Article Details


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