Thị Thu Hiền Đỗ1,, Thị Huế Nguyễn1
1 Hai Duong University of Medical Technology

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Objectives: Describe the knowledge, and attitudes associated with standard precautions of nursing students at Hai Duong Medical Technical University. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 214 nursing students at Hai Duong Medical Technical University. The period of data collection was from September 2021 to May 2022.  Students ‘knowledge was assessed by 82 True/False questions, each correct answer was 1 point. The total knowledge scores ranged from 0 to 82 points and was divided into 2 groups: ≥70% mean score: good knowledge, <70% mean score value: bad knowledge. Regarding attitude, there were 10. The total scores ranged from 0 to 32 points and were divided into 2 groups: ≥70% mean score: positive attitude, <70% mean score: negative attitude. Results: Over 90% of students answered correctly questions associated with hand hygiene, hygiene when coughing and breathing, surface cleaning, and medical waste management. However, only 50% of students gave correct answers on prevention of injury and personal protection  Expectialy,  two are including fabric handling and tool handling had a rate of correct answers less than <29%. Regarding attitude. There was 53.3% of students participating in the study had a negative attitude about standard precautions. Conclusions: Knowledge, and attitudes associated with standard precautions of nursing students at Hai Duong Medical Technical University were 47.66% and 46.7%.

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