Thị Kim Tiến Tạ1,, Thị Nguyệt Nguyễn2
1 Hanoi Medical College
2 VNU Hanoi-University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objectives: The study had two aims: (1) To examine the perception of the clinical learning environment of second-year nursing students at Hanoi Medical College in 2022 - 2023; (2) To Determine some related factors to the perception of the clinical learning environment of the study participants. Methods and subjects: A cross-sectional descriptive study design was used to examine second-year nursing students at  Hanoi Medical College on the perception of the clinical learning environment by using the Vietnamese version of the Clinical Learning Enviroment Inventory (V-CLEI). Results: The average score of the V-CLEI scale in this study  was 72.62 ± 9.56, the lowest score was 41 and the highest score was 100. Some related factors to students' perception of the learning clinical environment were determined. Clinical internships were recorded as: the clinical practice facilities, the number of times students were taught face-to-face and in groups, rotated study locations, and had a specific clinical schedule and receive support from faculty staff. Conclusion: Overall, the results of the study showed that the perception of second-year nursing students at Hanoi Medical College was positive, most students were hardworking, positive and proactive in learning. Students appreciated the clinical faculty's teaching. The recommendations of the study are nursing  students should receive regular instruction, have a specific clinical schedule, are rotated study positions which will help to increase students' perception of the clinical learning environment.

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