Hữu Thành Đỗ1,, Tùng Hiệp Bùi2
1 Ninh Hoa Town Medical Center - Khanh Hoa
2 Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine

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Objective: Survey the current situation of technical facilities and personnel of pharmacies in Nha Trang city. Subjects and methods: a cross-sectional tissue study on 40 private pharmacies and 62 drug sellers at pharmacies in Nha Trang city from August 10th, 2022 to December 24th, 2022. Results: 100.0% of private pharmacies in Nha Trang city had a good response to the criteria of construction, design, arrangement of contact areas, information exchange for drug sellers with customers and equipment for preservation. 100.0% of drug sellers all had the minimum pharmaceutical qualification as prescribed. But only 10.0% of pharmacies had pharmacists. The majority of drug sales activities were carried out by pharmacy staff themselves, of which more than 70.0% were intermediate pharmacists and 30.0% staffs were not included in the pharmacy’s registration records. Conclusion: Private pharmacies in Nha Trang city had a good response to the criteria of construction, design, arrangement of contact areas, information exchange for drug sellers with customers and equipment of preservation service. Drug sellers all had the minimum pharmacy qualifications as prescribed. But compliance with regulations was still low.

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