Trường Sơn Nguyễn1,, Văn Trầm Tạ1
1 Cho Ray Hospital

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Background: improving the working motivation of health workers to better serve the community's health care has been paid special attention by the State, the Health Sector and leaders of medical facilities in the field of health care past time. Objective: to survey the working motivation status of medical staff at Tien Giang General Hospital in 2023. Methods: cross-sectional descriptive study using quantitative interview method on 392 medical staff who are working at Tien Giang Provincial General Hospital were selected by systematic random method from January 2023 to March 2023 by a set of prepared questionnaires through 7 motivational factors for working with 33 subsection. Results: 43.1% of health workers are considered motivated to work. Among the 7 factors given, the factor "Hospital brand and culture" is considered the highest motivating factor for medical staff (69.9%, average score is 4.0/5). point). In contrast, the factor “income” has the lowest motivation (31.9%, the average score is 3.5/5 points). Conclusion: understanding the motivational factors of health workers to improve the quality of medical examination and treatment to serve the health care of the people needs special attention.

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