Thành Nhân Võ 1, Trọng Nhân Nguyễn 2,, Minh Văn Lưu 1
1 Tu Du hospital
2 Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine

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Introduction: epithelioid trophoblastic tumor (ETT) represents an atypical variant within the spectrum of trophoblastic tumors, posing diagnostic challenges and subsequently complicating treatment decisions. Existing literature underscores the preference for surgical intervention as the primary therapeutic approach for ETT due to its limited responsiveness to chemotherapy, which is typically effective against other forms of gestational trophoblastic diseases. Case report: this case report describes a 51 years-old female patient admitting to the hospital due to vaginal bleeding and high level of beta human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG). The initial diagnosis was a choriocarcinoma of the cervix. Two cycles of chemotherapy was chosen before surgical management because of  tumor size and hypervascularization. The surgical procedure concluded with a minimal blood loss of 50 ml, and the patient was discharged without experiencing any adverse events. Conclusion: preoperative chemotherapy may prove effective in cases of ETT characterized by substantial tumor size and heightened vascularity, serving as a preventive measure against intraoperative blood loss.

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