Văn Đình Trần1, Thị Thi Thơ Nguyễn 1,, Minh Khuy Cao2, Thành Huy Phan 1, Minh Khuê Tạ1, Văn Hiếu Lê1, Ngọc Hà Tạ 1, Trang Ly Khiếu 1, Công Luật Nguyễn 1, Thị Thanh Thủy Nguyễn 1, Lê Tuấn Anh Đoàn 1, Thị Hương Ly Lê1, Thị Hồng Dương 1

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The objective of this study was to describe the situation of hyperglycemia in people ≥ 40 years old in Lai Chau province in 2021-2022. Eligible subjects to participate in screening will be screened by village health workers (VHWs) for diabetes risk using a diabetes risk scorecard issued by the Ministry of Health. After that, people at risk of diabetes are advised to go to the commune health station (CHC) for capillary blood sugar testing. As a result, 99,004 people were screened, of which 28,489 people were screened by VHWs who are at risk of diabetes who went to the CHS for follow-up examination. The capillary blood sugar test results showed that the rate of hyperglycemia was 8.8%. The rate of hyperglycemia in men is higher than in women. In addition, people aged 60 years and older have a higher rate of hyperglycemia than the rest of the age groups (p<0.001). Among raised fasting glucose level group, men account for 65.1%. It is necessary to conduct regular diabetes screening for people in Lai Chau province in order to early detect people at risk of diabetes and pre-diabetes.

Article Details


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